WHAT'S HEREWelcome to my WebSite. In these pages I've included a variety of material that may help you to know more about me as a designer and teacher. Here you'll find a representative selection of my set designs, an outline of my teaching philosophy, and packets of course material. I've also posted some of my articles and papers including some information about masks and mask making that you may find useful or interesting. As always, I appreciate your feedback. TEACHINGClick the TEACHING link in the menu bar for my thoughts on and approach to teaching. You'll also find course descriptions and syllabi. SET DESIGNClick the SET DESIGN link in the left menu bar to see some slides of my work along with a running commentary. You can also check out my Resume and Vita. MASKS & MASK-MAKINGI've always been fascinated by masks and mask making. It's probably one of the reasons I went into theatre to begin with. In 2003 I went to Bali for eight weeks to learn to carve masks with master carver I. Ketut Molog. The Mask Making section of my site will show you some of the masks I carved while in Bali and after my return. There are also pictures of masks made from other materials and information on two recent conferences on masks and mask making that I had a hand in. PUPPETRYLately I've also been working with large-scale puppetry in our community. For our annual Arts in Celebration festival in 2003 I created 20 six-foot tall puppet "templates" for community members to decorate while my graduate students designed and engineered two large "backpack" puppets. During the festival my friend and colleague, Hilary Chandler, supervised large cardboard cut-out puppets which immediately joined our parades through Carbondale's down town district. Hilary and I are continuing this activity for the 2004 Arts festival. I hope to have a Puppetry page in the very near future. SITE NAVIGATIONI've tried to keep things simple. In general, use the links in the left navigation bar on each page. If you get lost, click the header at the top of each page to return to its parent. CONTACT INFORMATION
Ronald Naversen